Month to Master ~ My First NFT

2 min readApr 15, 2021

This is the third one in my personal challenge series for 2021 — Month to Master. For the month of April, my challenge was to learn about NFT and in fact create my first NFT. If you are new to the world of crypto, digital assets/arts, and NFTs, there are tons of really good learning materials all over the web.

Setting up your first NFT is in fact as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

  1. Create your art. Basically, there is no limit to it. It can be any digital asset and can take you minutes or years depending on what you are building. I created a quick JPG image on an online photo editor for this very simple image (Sherpa Living).

2. Set up your crypto wallet. Store the ETH cryptocurrency to pay the fees associated with putting your NFT for sale. I used the “Rainbow Eth Wallet” mobile app for this purpose and it is very neat and super simple.

3. Buy a little bit of ETH to pay for the fees (gas fees to put your NFT on the blockchain). I was a bit surprised by the gas fees price. It depends on the demand and the surcharge. Since I did this in Feb 2021 when NFT was on fire, the gas price was pretty steep. Just to put this NFT on the blockchain, at normal pace it cost me close to $85. For many, the gas fees might be higher than the potential earnings from your art.

4. Connect your crypto wallet to one of the NFT marketplaces. I used Rariable, which is one of the biggest NFT marketplaces today. Use your wallet to authenticate. This is all neatly built into the Rainbow Eth wallet and is super simple.

5. List your art and turn it into NFT. This is the last step. You can select your creator mark-up and other details on the listing and hit publish.

And that’s it. Your unique piece of art (NFT) is live in the marketplace).

This how my NFT is showing up in the Rarible marketplace today.




Crazy about family, friends and technology. Making Things better by making better things.